Asking someone out. (Spanish)


1. ¡Hola! He visto que coincidimos en varios eventos y me gustaría invitarte a tomar un café. ¿Te gustaría salir conmigo?

Translation: Hi! I've noticed that we've been at several events together and I'd like to invite you for a coffee. Would you like to go out with me?


- hola (hello) - hi

- visto que (I've noticed that) - I've seen that

- coincidimos (we've coincided) - we've been at the same events

- me gustaría (I would like) - I'd like

- invitarte (to invite you) - to invite you

- tomar un café (to have a coffee) - to have a coffee

- ¿Te gustaría? (Would you like?) - Would you like?

2. Buenos días. Me encantaría llevar a una mujer hermosa como tú a cenar esta noche. ¿Aceptas mi invitación?

Translation: Good morning. I would love to take a beautiful woman like you out to dinner tonight. Do you accept my invitation?


- buenos días (good morning) - good morning

- encantaría (I would love) - I would love

- llevar (to take) - to take

- una mujer hermosa (a beautiful woman) - a beautiful woman

- como tú (like you) - like you

- a cenar (out to dinner) - to dinner

- esta noche (tonight) - tonight

- ¿Aceptas? (Do you accept?) - Do you accept?

3. Hola, ¿tienes algún plan para el fin de semana? Me encantaría llevarte al cine y disfrutar de una película juntos. ¿Te gustaría acompañarme?

Translation: Hello, do you have any plans for the weekend? I would love to take you to the movies and enjoy a movie together. Would you like to join me?


- hola (hello) - hi

- tienes (do you have) - do you have

- algún plan (any plans) - any plans

- para el fin de semana (for the weekend) - for the weekend

- me encantaría (I would love) - I would love

- llevarte al cine (to take you to the movies) - to take you to the movies

- disfrutar (to enjoy) - to enjoy

- una película (a movie) - a movie

- juntos (together) - together

- ¿Te gustaría? (Would you like?) - Would you like?

4. Buenas tardes. Me preguntaba si te gustaría dar un paseo por el parque este sábado. Podríamos charlar y conocer mejor. ¿Qué te parece?

Translation: Good afternoon. I was wondering if you would like to take a walk in the park this Saturday. We could chat and get to know each other better. What do you think?


- buenas tardes (good afternoon) - good afternoon

- preguntaba (I was wondering) - I was wondering

- te gustaría (would you like) - would you like

- dar un paseo (to take a walk) - to take a walk

- por el parque (in the park) - in the park

- este sábado (this Saturday) - this Saturday

- podríamos charlar (we could chat) - we could chat

- conocer mejor (get to know each other better) - get to know each other better

- ¿Qué te parece? (What do you think?) - What do you think?

5. ¡Hola! Me pareces una persona muy interesante. ¿Te gustaría salir a tomar algo y conversar un poco más? Estoy seguro de que la pasaríamos bien juntos.

Translation: Hi! You seem like a very interesting person. Would you like to go out for a drink and chat a bit more? I'm sure we would have a good time together.


- ¡Hola! (Hi!) - Hi!

- me pareces (you seem to me) - you seem to me

- una persona (a person) - a person

- muy interesante (very interesting) - very interesting

- ¿Te gustaría? (Would you like?) - Would you like?

- salir a tomar algo (to go out for a drink) - to go out for a drink

- conversar un poco más (to chat a bit more) - to chat a bit more

- estoy seguro de que (I'm sure) - I'm sure

- la pasaríamos bien juntos (we would have a good time together) - we would have a good time together.

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