About foreign languages (Russian podcast)

Про иностранные языки.
About foreign languages.


Недавно ехала на автобусе и оказалась в окружении стайки молодежи, лет 16ти-17ти.

Вероятно, все они учатся в языковой школе: за моей спиной несколько человек болтали по-французски, а справа говорили на немецком, периодически в моменты избытка эмоций переходя на английский.

Recently I was riding the bus and found myself surrounded by a flock of young people, about 16-17 years old.

Probably all of them are in a language school: behind me several people were talking in French, and on my right they were talking in German, occasionally switching to English in moments of excessive emotion.

Получалось так естественно, что сначала подумала - а не билингвы ли они… но где ж взять в нашей деревеньке одновременно столько европоязычных билингв 🧐

И вот решила спросить, как обстоит дело с языками у вас? Нужны ли вам лично иностранные языки, пользуетесь ли?

It came out so naturally, that at first I thought - whether they are not bilinguals ... but where to get in our village at the same time so many European-speaking bilinguals 🧐

So I thought I'd ask, what's the situation with languages in your country? Do you personally need and use foreign languages?

Part 1 

Transliteration: Nedavno ekhala na avtobuse i okazalas' v okruzhenii staiki molodezhi, let 16ti-17ti.

Translation: Recently, I was riding on a bus and found myself surrounded by a group of teenagers, around 16-17 years old.

- Недавно (nedavno) - recently
- Ехала (ekhala) - was riding
- На (na) - on
- Автобусе (avtobuse) - bus
- И (i) - and
- Оказалась (okazalas') - found myself
- В (v) - in
- Окружении (okruzhenii) - surrounded by
- Стайки (staiki) - group (slang)
- Молодежи (molodezhi) - teenagers/youth
- Лет (let) - years
- 16ти-17ти (16ti-17ti) - 16-17 (years old)
- Вероятно (veroyatno) - probably
- Все (vse) - all
- Они (oni) - they
- Учатся (uchatsya) - are studying
- В (v) - in
- Языковой (yazykovoy) - language
- Школе (shkole) - school
- За (za) - behind
- Моей (moyey) - my
- Спиной (spinoy) - back
- Несколько (neskol'ko) - several
- Человек (chelovek) - people
- Болтали (boltali) - were chatting/talking (slang)
- По-французски (po-frantsuzski) - in French
- А (a) - and
- Справа (sprava) - to the right
- Говорили (govorili) - were speaking/talking
- На (na) - in/on
- Немецком (nemetskom) - German
- Периодически (periodicheski) - periodically
- В (v) - in
- Моменты (momenty) - moments
- Избытка (izbytka) - excess
- Эмоций (emotsiy) - emotions
- Переходя (perehodya) - switching
- На (na) - to
- Английский (angliyskiy) - English

Part 2
Transliteration: Poluchalos' tak estestvenno, chto snachala podumala - a ne bilingvy li oni… no gde zh vzat' v nashey dereven'ke odnovremennо stol'ko evropoyazychnykh bilingv 🧐

I vot reshila sprosit', kak obstoit delo s yazykami u vas? Nuzhny li vam lichno inostrannye yazyki, pol'zuetes' li?

Translation: It seemed so natural that at first I thought - are they bilinguals... but where in our village can you find so many European-speaking bilinguals 🧐

So, I decided to ask, what is the situation with languages for you? Do you personally need foreign languages, do you use them?

- Получалось (poluchalos') - it turned out
- Так (tak) - so
- Естественно (estestvenno) - naturally
- Что (chto) - that
- Сначала (snachala) - at first
- Подумала (podumala) - thought
- А (a) - but
- Не (ne) - not
- Билингвы (bilingvy) - bilinguals
- Ли (li) - whether
- Они (oni) - they
- Но (no) - but
- Где (gde) - where
- Ж (zh) - particle indicating emphasis
- Взять (vzyat') - to find/to take
- В (v) - in
- Нашей (nashey) - our
- Деревеньке (dereven'ke) - village (diminutive)
- Одновременно (odnovremennо) - at the same time
- Столько (stol'ko) - so many
- Европоязычных (evropoyazychnykh) - European-speaking
- Решила (reshila) - decided
- Спросить (sprosit') - to ask
- Как (kak) - how
- Обстоит (obstoĭt) - the situation is
- Дело (delo) - matter
- С (s) - with
- Языками (yazykami) - languages
- У (u) - for
- Вас (vas) - you (singular)
- Нужны (nuzhny) - needed
- Лично (lichno) - personally
- Иностранные (inostrannye) - foreign
- Пользуетесь (pol'zuetes') - do you use
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