Asking for directions in Romanian.


Unde este?

Nu ştiu.
I don't  know.


Cum pot să ajung la hotelul?
How can I get to the hotel?

Excuse me.

Scuzați-mă, unde e strada asta?
Excuse me , where is this street?







ia-o la stanga
Go left. Turn left.

ia-o la dreapta
Go right. Turn right.

După 10 metri, ia-o la stânga.
In ten meters turn left.

Cum pot să ajung la aeroport?
How do I get to the airport?

Unde e aici statie de autobuse?
where is the bus stop?

Se broate pleca de aici cu autobusul brana la…?
Can I take a bus from here to...?

Cum sa ajung la…?
How can I get there...?

Ce loc e acesta?
what is this place?

Eu plec la… Va rog, sa ma anuntati cand va trebui sa cobor!
I go out to…. please let me know when I have to leave!

Cum brot ajunge
How do I get to ...?

Cum sa ajung la hotel?
how to get to the hotel?

Unde brot găsi
Where can I find

mi puteți arăta unde este pe hartă?
Can you show me this on a map

M-am rătăcit.
I'm lost.

Romanian song
Ia-o la stanga ia-o la dreapta
Go left go right

Avem si noi o dedicatie speciala daca se poate
De la noi Mr Juve si Susanu adica Play Aj
O peisa de voie buna pentru toata lumea buna
Intr-un cvant pentru toata Romania
Asta e pentru cine se simte bine
Si cine se simte bine sa se tina dupa mine
Uite asa tine-o tot asa
Hai ca nu e greu e direct din Romania
Bate toba bate ca la Moldova
bate bate tare pana cade din picioare
Arde-o arde-o arde-o adevarat
Arde-o bine ca la noi ca la Arad
Hai pe ea pe ea uite asa ca in Muntenia
Pe loc pe loc pana ia piciorul foc
Tine-o tot asa joac-o joac-o n-o lasa
Ca asa se joac ain toata Romania

Ia-o la stanga ia-o la stanga
Ia-o la stanga stop intoarce-te
Ia-o la dreapta ia-o la dreapta
Ia-o la dreapta stop apleaca-te
Ia-o la stanga hai ce mai stai
Ia-o la stanga stai hai rupe-te
Ia-o la dreapta nu sta pe loc
Ia-o la dreapta stop hai lasa-te

Asta e pentru cine se simte bine
Si cine se simte bine sa se tina dupa mine
Uite asa tine-o tot asa
Hai ca nu e greu e direct din Romania
Baga baga baga original
Tin`te bine bag-o bine ca in Ardeal
Uite asa tine-o tot asa
Sa rasune toata Transilvania
Salt-o salt-o tin`te la ea
Pazea pazea ca vine din Muntenia
Tine-o tot asa pe loc nu te lasa
Tine-o tot asa ca la noi la Dobrogea

Ia-o la stanga ia-o la stanga
Ia-o la stanga stop intoarce-te
Ia-o la dreapta ia-o la dreapta
Ia-o la dreapta stop apleaca-te
Ia-o la stanga hai ce mai stai
Ia-o la stanga stai hai rupe-te
Ia-o la dreapta nu sta pe loc
Ia-o la dreapta stop hai lasa-te

Arde-o bine ca la Oas
Dar ai grija la adidasi
Ca odata o sa iasa mare mare iures
Sa iasa iures ca la ca la Maramures
Aoleo foaie verde de lipan
Arde-o bine arde-o ca pe Teleorman
Ia-o usor ia-o ca la Bihor
Ia-o incet dar fi atent si la picior
Haine nana putin cate putin
Haine nana dai si pe la Severin
Si bate tarabana
Bate ca la Crisana
Bate bat-o vina
Bate ca in Bucovina
Foaie verde maghiran
M-a facut mama oltean
Asa ca haine ma ficior
Haide hai mai repejor
Si da drumul la picior
Nu fi de rasul fetelor
Cam asta-i treaba in toata Romania
Ne tine in picioare unorul si veselia
Muzica dansul si paranghelia
Voia buna nebunia le gasesti pe toate in Romania

Ia-o la stanga ia-o la stanga
Ia-o la stanga stop intoarce-te
Ia-o la dreapta ia-o la dreapta
Ia-o la dreapta stop apleaca-te
Ia-o la stanga hai ce mai stai
Ia-o la stanga stai hai rupe-te
Ia-o la dreapta nu sta pe loc
Ia-o la dreapta stop hai lasa-te (X2)
We also have a special dedication if possible
From us Mr Juve and Susanu meaning Play Aj
A good cheer for everyone
In a quantity for the whole of Romania
This is for those who feel good
And who feels good to follow me
Look at it that way
Come on, it's not hard, it's directly from Romania
The drum beats like in Moldova
he beats hard until he falls off his feet
Burn it burn it really burn it
Burn it as well in our country as in Arad
Come on, look at her in Muntenia
On the spot until it sets foot on fire
Keep it the same, play it, play it, don't let it go
That's how the whole of Romania plays

Take it to the left, take it to the left
Turn left and stop
Turn right and turn right
Take a right stop and bend over
Turn left and see
Turn left, let's break
Turn right and don't stand still
Turn right and stop

This is for those who feel good
And who feels good to follow me
Look at it that way
Come on, it's not hard, it's directly from Romania
Baga baga baga original
Keep it good, put it as well as in Transylvania
Look at it that way
Let the whole of Transylvania resound
Jump on it, jump on it, stick to it
The guard was coming from Muntenia
Keep it that way and don't let it get you down
Keep it the same as in our country in Dobrogea

Take it to the left, take it to the left
Turn left and stop
Turn right and turn right
Take a right stop and bend over
Turn left and see
Turn left, let's break
Turn right and don't stand still
Turn right and stop

Burn it as well as in Oas
But watch out for sneakers
That once upon a time there would be a great big iures
To go out like in Maramures
Aoleo green leaf of lipan
Burn it well, burn it like Teleorman
Take it easy, take it like in Bihor
Take it slow but be careful with your feet
Dwarf clothes little by little
You also wear Severin's clothes
And hit the tarabana
Beat like Crisana
Blame it
It beats like in Bucovina
Marjoram green leaf
My mother made me Oltenian
So my clothes fit
Come on, let's get better
And let go
Don't laugh at girls
That's about it in all of Romania
Someone keeps us standing and happy
Dance music and paragliding
Goodwill, madness, you can find them all in Romania

Take it to the left, take it to the left
Turn left and stop
Turn right and turn right
Take a right stop and bend over
Turn left and see
Turn left, let's break
Turn right and don't stand still
Turn right and stop (X2)

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