Romani phrases

Here are some basic Romani phrases:

1. Hello: "Sastipe!" (sah-stee-peh)

2. Goodbye: "Phralale!" (fra-la-leh)

3. Thank you: "Mersi!" (mehr-see)

4. Yes: "Va!" (vah)

5. No: "Na!" (nah)

6. Please: "Bachtalo!" (bahch-tah-loh)

7. Excuse me: "Baxtalo!" (bahk-tah-loh)

8. How are you?: "Kamav tuke?" (kah-mahv too-keh?)

9. I'm fine, thank you: "Sikav tuke, mersi!" (see-kahv too-keh, mehr-see)

10. What is your name?: "Kushti dai tuke nav?" (koosh-tee dye too-keh nahv?)

11. My name is...: "Miri nav...!" (mee-ree nahv...)

12. I don't understand: "Na xalavav" (nah hah-lah-vahv)

13. Where is...?: "Kote si...?" (koh-teh see...)

14. How much does it cost?: "Phendja katar si?" (fehn-djah kah-tahr see?)

15. I love you: "Te dikham tuke" (teh dee-kahm too-keh)

Please note that Romani is spoken by various groups with different dialects and variations, so these phrases may not be universally applicable.

Main Romani dialects 

The Romani language is a member of the Indo-Aryan language family and is spoken by the Romani people, who are dispersed throughout the world. Due to historical migration and regional influences, various dialects of Romani have emerged. Here are some of the main Romani dialects:

1. Vlax Romani: Vlax Romani is one of the most widely spoken dialects of Romani. It is spoken by Romani communities in Eastern Europe, including Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Slovakia.

2. Balkan Romani: Balkan Romani is spoken in the Balkan Peninsula, including countries such as Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, and Greece. It is characterized by significant influences from the languages of these regions.

3. Sinti Romani: Sinti Romani is primarily spoken by the Sinti people, a subgroup of the Romani people who primarily reside in Central Europe, particularly Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

4. Caló: Caló is a dialect of Romani spoken by the Calé or Caló people, who are Romani populations in Spain and Portugal. Caló incorporates many words from Spanish and Portuguese.

5. Lovari Romani: Lovari Romani is spoken by the Lovari, a subgroup of the Romani people who are concentrated in Central and Eastern Europe.

6. Arli Romani: Arli Romani is spoken by the Arli or ARLU Romani people, who are found primarily in Kosovo, Macedonia, and Bulgaria.

7. Finnish Kalo: Finnish Kalo is a dialect of Romani spoken mainly in Finland, with influences from the Finnish language.

8. Welsh Romani: Welsh Romani is a dialect spoken by the Romani people in Wales, United Kingdom, with influences from the Welsh language.

It's important to note that these dialects can further vary within specific regions and communities, and there are many other smaller dialects and sub-dialects of Romani spoken by different Romani groups worldwide.

Brief history of the Romani people

The Romani people, commonly known as Gypsies, are an ethnic group with a long and complex history. While the exact origins of the Romani people are still debated among scholars, evidence suggests that they originated in Northwestern India and migrated westward around the 11th century.

The Romani people began their westward migration, likely due to a combination of factors such as political instability, economic opportunities, and conflicts in the Indian subcontinent. Their migration took them through Persia, Armenia, and Byzantine territories, and they eventually reached Europe by the late medieval period.

The Romani people faced a challenging reception in Europe. They were often viewed as outsiders and faced discrimination, persecution, and marginalization. They were subjected to laws and policies that restricted their movements, occupations, and rights. They were often accused of various crimes and were associated with negative stereotypes.

Throughout history, the Romani people adopted a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle, largely due to social and economic factors as well as their cultural traditions. They became skilled in various trades such as metalworking, horse trading, entertainment, and fortune-telling, which helped them sustain their communities.

During the 20th century, the Romani people suffered immensely during the Holocaust, where they were targeted by the Nazis for extermination along with other minority groups. Estimates suggest that hundreds of thousands of Romani people were killed during this period.

In recent times, the Romani people have made efforts to preserve their cultural identity and improve their socio-economic conditions. They have advocated for their rights, including equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and housing. Romani activism has played a crucial role in raising awareness about their history, culture, and struggles.

It's important to note that the Romani people are a diverse group with different languages, dialects, customs, and traditions. They have made significant contributions to various cultural, artistic, and musical traditions in the countries they have settled in, and their cultural heritage continues to be celebrated today.

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